e-Return Hotline Number

Customs SROs

Customs SROs

SRO No.:
Sl. SRO No. Date Description Amended by Download
281 144-AIN/2019/13/Customs 30/05/2019 SRO (amendment) related to Capital Machinery
282 143-AIN/2019/12/Customs 30/05/2019 SRO 270-AIN/2018/ 42/ Customs; Date:18/09/2018 & SRO 283-AIN/2018/43/ Customs; Date:26/09/2018 Cancellation related SRO
283 SRO No. 130-AIN/2019/08/Customs 22/05/2019 চাল আমদানীতে শুল্ক-কর বৃদ্ধি সংক্রান্ত এস.আর.ও
284 214-AIN/2018/37/Customs 28/06/2018 SRO of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
285 197-AIN/2018/36/Customs 26/06/2018 RD SRO New
286 198-AIN/2018/30/Customs 26/06/2018 Seal and Lock Rules, 2018 New
287 196-AIN/2018/35/Customs 26/06/2018 Imported Pesticide SRO Amend
288 193-AIN/2018/32/Customs 26/07/2018 Import for Manufacturing Industry SRO Amend
289 195-AIN/2018/34/Customs 26/07/2018 Cell Phone Industry Import Raw Materials
290 194-AIN/2018/33/Customs 26/07/2018 Computer and Computer Accessories SRO Amend
291 192-AIN/2018/31/Customs 26/06/2018 Capital Machinery SRO Amend
292 143-AIN/2018/9/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (Cancellation) related to Rice importation
293 144-AIN/2018/10/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (Cancellation) related to Coated Calcium Carbonate importation
294 145-AIN/2018/11/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Capital Machinery
295 146-AIN/2018/12/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Pharmaceuticals raw materials
296 147-AIN/2018/13/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Cellular Phone
297 148-AIN/2018/14/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (Del-New) related to VAT registered Manufactured
298 149-AIN/2018/15/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Computer & Computer materials
299 150-AIN/2018/16/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Textile industries machinery
300 151-AIN/2018/17/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Ref. hospital
301 152-AIN/2018/18/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Anti Cancer raw materials
302 153-AIN/2018/19/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to energy saving lamps manufacturers industry
303 154-AIN/2018/20/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to recondition car
304 155-AIN/2018/21/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Motor cycle
305 156-AIN/2018/22/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to Computer Manufacturer Industries
306 157-AIN/2018/23/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to firefighting Equipment
307 158-AIN/2018/24/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to shipbuilder Machinary
308 159-AIN/2018/26/Customs 07/06/2018 SRO (amendment) related to RD imposed
309 Special order No.-218/2018/Customs 07/06/2018 Special Order (Del-New) for Pharmaceuticals raw materials
310 Nothi no-1(8)Cus.Policy& Budget/2007/286 07/06/2018 Order of colorless CKD motorcycle importation
311 247/AIN?2017/62/Customs Amendment of C& F License ACT,2016
312 263-AIN/2017/72/Customs 17/08/2017 Amendment of SRO no. 204-AIN/2017/49/Customs
313 212-AIN/ 2017/50/ Customs 01/07/2017 Capital Machinery (Amendment) Related SRO
314 213-AIN/ 2017/51/ Customs 01/07/2017 VAT Registered Mfg. Industry related SRO (Amendment)
315 214-AIN/ 2017/52/ Customs 01/07/2017 Dairy Poultry Feed Related SRO (Amendment)
316 215-AIN/ 2017/53/Customs 01/07/2017 Pharmaceutical Medicine related SRO (Amendment)
317 216-AIN/ 2017/54/ Customs 01/07/2017 Textile SRO (Amendment)
318 217-AIN/ 2017/55/ Customs 01/07/2017 Solar modules/Panel SRO l (Amendment)
319 218-AIN/ 2017/56/ Customs 01/07/2017 Recondition Car Related SRO (New)
320 219-AIN/ 2017/57/ Customs 01/07/2017 RD SRO (New)