361 |
216-AIN/2016/43-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
Hotel (amendment) SRO |
362 |
218-AIN/2016/45-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
Tariff & minimum value SRO |
363 |
219-AIN/2016/46-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
Raw materials imported by VAT registered manufaturing industries related SRO |
364 |
220-AIN/2016/47-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
C&F Agents licensing Rules, 2016 related |
365 |
221-AIN/2016/48-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
SRO related to textile sector |
366 |
222-AIN/2016/49-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
Insecticide (amendment) SRO |
367 |
223-AIN/2016/50-Customs |
01/07/2016 |
SRO related to RD imposition |
368 |
188-AIN/2016/37-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Advance Rulings Rules, 2016 |
369 |
174-AIN/2016/36-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
C&F Agents licensing Rules, 2016 |
370 |
173-AIN/2016/35-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO (amendment) regarding importation of raw materials for cancer drugs |
371 |
172-AIN/2016/34-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Machinery SRO (amendment) for dairy/poultry industry |
372 |
171-AIN/2016/33-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO (amendment) for ship building industry |
373 |
170-AIN/2016/32-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Energy saving Lamp manufacturing industry related (amendment) SRO |
374 |
169-AIN/2016/31-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Dhaka Clean Fuel Project (amendment) SRO |
375 |
168-AIN/2016/30-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Insecticide (amendment) SRO |
376 |
167-AIN/2016/29-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to RD imposition |
377 |
166-AIN/2016/28-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Amusement Park related SRO |
378 |
165-AIN/2016/27-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Tariff & minimum value SRO |
379 |
164-AIN/2016/26-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Baggage Rules, 2016 |
380 |
163-AIN/2016/25-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Solar Panel (amendment) SRO |
381 |
162-AIN/2016/24-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Toy manufacturing industry related (amendment) SRO |
382 |
161-AIN/2016/23-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to Pre-fabricated building meterials imported by 100% export oriented industry |
383 |
160-AIN/2016/22-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to fire equipment imported by 100% export oriented industry |
384 |
159-AIN/2016/21-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Hotel (amendment) SRO |
385 |
158-AIN/2016/20-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Referral hospital (amendment) SRO |
386 |
157-AIN/2016/19-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Human Hauler related SRO |
387 |
156-AIN/2016/18-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Hybrid Car related SRO |
388 |
155-AIN/2016/17-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to Progressive manufacturing of motor cycle |
389 |
154-AIN/2016/16-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to agricultural machinery parts |
390 |
153-AIN/2016/15-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Dairy/Poultry feed (amendment) SRO |
391 |
152-AIN/2016/14-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to leather sector |
392 |
151-AIN/2016/13-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
SRO related to textile sector |
393 |
150-AIN/2016/12-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Computer equipments (amendment) SRO |
394 |
149-AIN/2016/11-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Pharmaceutical raw materials (amendment) SRO |
395 |
148-AIN/2016/10-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Raw materials imported by VAT registered manufaturing industries related SRO |
396 |
147-AIN/2016/9-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Capital Machinery (Amendment) SRO |
397 |
146-AIN/2016/8-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Cancellation SRO regarding RD on Copper bar, Plate & tube, Rice and ferro-alloy |
398 |
145-AIN/2016/7-Customs |
02/06/2016 |
Cancellation of Cassava related SRO |
399 |
177-AIN/2012/2405-Customs |
07/06/2012 |
Amendment of sro 2122 |
400 |
178-AIN/2012/2406-Customs |
07/06/2012 |
Amendment of sro 2344 |