1. To understand the basic concept of VAT and know whether his business is taxable or not
2. If his business activity is taxable, find out whether his is required to be registered or enlisted.
3. To inform and update registration/enlistment information in case it is changed
4. Ask for VAT Invoice (Mushak-6.3) during purchase and issue the same during sales.
5. Keep records of purchase and sales properly
6. Pay net VAT and submit Return by calculation taxes after each tax period.
7. To check the information in VAT Online system wheather your return and payment information is posted properly against your account.
8. To comply with the responsibility of Withholding Tax in case it is applicable to you
9. To cooperate any VAT officer for any legal purposes
10. To be aware about your rights and responsibility.
Download the Printed Flyer named as "10 Responsibitlies of Taxpayers"