e-Return Hotline Number

Field Offices of NBR

Income Tax
Important Links
Sl no Office Name Website Url Facebook Url Contact no
1 Bangladesh National Web Portal http://www.bangladesh.gov.bd/
2 Prime Minister's Office http://www.pmo.gov.bd
3 Finance Division (Ministry of Finance) http://www.mof.gov.bd
4 Internal Resources Division https://ird.gov.bd/
5 Ministry of Public Administration http://www.mopa.gov.bd
6 List of World Bank Debarred Firms and Individuals for Procurement http://web.worldbank.org
7 Supreme Court of Bangladesh http://www.supremecourt.gov.bd/web/
8 Bangladesh Govrnment Press (BG Press) http://www.dpp.gov.bd
9 Election Commission Bangladesh http://www.nidw.gov.bd/
10 Office of the Controller General of Accounts http://www.cga.gov.bd/
11 Bangladesh Bank https://www.bb.org.bd/