Income Tax Go Back Loading, please wait... Serial No.SubjectPublished DateDetails 1Suspended notification of Practical & Viva Exam Taxes Appeal Zone-3, Dhaka10-01-2017 2Verification of return filling of an employee of the Government, semi-government and autonomous bodies.10-01-2017 3Practical & Viva Exam schedule of Taxes Appeal Zone-3, Dhaka10-01-2017 4Written Exam Result of Taxes Appeal Zone-3,Dhaka10-01-2017 5Facilities in Tax Fair-201610-01-2017 6Draft Gradation List of Taxes Cadre10-01-2017 7Punishment of EACT Begum Rawsan Ara17-05-2016 8At Source tax on payment of foreign players in BPL 201513-04-2016 9Press Release on Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement between Bangladesh and Bhutan13-04-2016 10Order/Guideline of Income Tax Officials13-04-2016 11Press Release for Time Extension of Income Tax Return Submission FY 2015-2016(Except Company Tax Pay13-04-2016 12Time & Venue of Income Tax Fair-2015 in Districts & Divisions (Mobile)13-04-2016 13Time & Venue of Income Tax Fair-2015 in Upazila (Permanent)13-04-2016 14Time & Venue of Income Tax Fair-2015 in Upazila (Mobile)13-04-2016 15Public Notice on Tax Deduction at SOURCE (TDS)13-04-2016 16Clarification of IT Ordinance,19BBBBB13-04-2016 17Clarification of IT Ordinance,19E13-04-2016 18Clarification on IT Ordinance,53FF13-04-2016 19Clarification on IT Ordinance,53CC13-04-2016 20Advance Income Tax and IT on house rent13-04-2016 « Prev123456789101112131415Next »