e-Return Hotline Number

Tender Notice

Serial No. Subject Published Date Details
300 Tender Notice (Corrigendum -01) of BMAP 23-11-2020
299 National Tender Notice (Package-05) [Re-Tender] 23-11-2020
298 Tender Notice of BMAP 22-11-2020
297 Corrigendum of Customs Bond Management System 08-11-2020
296 Pre-Application Meeting Minutes of ISD 29-10-2020
295 Corrigendum of Inviation for Initial Selection 29-10-2020
294 1st Addendum of Initial Selection Document 29-10-2020
293 Tender Sale No- 08/2020, Custom House, Chittagong 23-10-2020
292 e-Tender Notice for National e-GP portal (tender notice no: 01/2020) 15-10-2020
291 Re- tender notice, Customs House, Chattogram 15-10-2020
290 Invitation for tenders (BMAP) 11-10-2020
289 Tender Sale No-07/2020, Customs House, Chittagong 03-10-2020
288 Tender Notice for BMAP 29-09-2020
287 Tender Schedule for 2 Microbuses 29-09-2020
286 Request for Expression of Interest (EOI), BMAP 21-09-2020
285 Tender Notice (NSW) 07-09-2020
284 Special Tender Sale- 01/2020, Custom House Chittagong 01-09-2020
283 ভ্যাট অনলাইন প্রকল্পের আইটি অফিস ইকুইপমেন্ট ক্রয় সংক্রান্ত দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি। 24-08-2020
282 Tender Notice of Custom House, Chottogram 19-08-2020
281 Annual Procurement Plan of NBR for FY 2020-2021 16-08-2020