Government has taken a plan to implement Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012. Implementation of this plan is already started. The new VAT act will be implemented from 1 July, 2015 by implementing this plan.
There are provisions of penalty for different offence in the VAT act. In this booklet, the adjudication and appeal processes are described in details.
Drawback is the tax refund against export. Duty exemption and Drawback Office (DEDO) is responsible for approving drawback. This booklet details the drawback process.
Export is Zero-rated. All imports and local purchase related to export is also zero-rated. But there are some procedure to avail these benefits. The benefits and procedure to avail are described in this booklet.
VAT is applicable on most of the imports. Moreover, Advance Trade VAT (ATV) is applicable on certain imports. The procedures for VAT at import stage are described in this booklet.
The working process of banking, non-banking financial institutions, and insurance are different from general procedure. Standard procedure for these sectors are included in this booklet.
Cigarette, bidi, soft drink, mineral water and toilet soap are most important source of revenue. Use of Banderole and stamps are compulsory for these sectors. This booklet is user guide for these industries.
Electronic Cash Register (ECR) and Point of Sales (POS) are automated sales system introduced for large taxpayers. This booklet describe the legal probition of using ECR or POS in te business.
VAT at trading business is an important source of Government revenue. There are several schemes are available for Trade VAT. Different scheme has different procedure.
Return s the final statments of registered or enlisted busness for a tax period. Is is the summery of all business transactions, credit and adjustments. This booklet help you to prepare a return accurately.