Credit and adjustment mechanisam make the VAT system successful to both taxpayers and tax collectors. There are many rules for credit and adjustment. All rules for credit and adjustment are describe in this booklet.
Bangladesh VAT System is Invoice or credit system. Every transaction requires an invoice. Taxpayer issues Invoices in different format in different situation. The invoicing procesures are described in this booklet.
Value Added Tax is basically an accounts-based tax system. Under VAT system, taxpayes have to maintain different types of books of accounts. The book-keeping procedures are described in this booklet.
Value declaration and its approval process in Bangladesh VAT is an unique and critical feature. In this booklet, different aspects of value declaration are described.
All business exceeding VAT threshold is required to registered for VAT. Below threshold, business need to enlisted for turnover tax. Enlistment processes are briefly described in this booklet.
All business exceeding VAT threshold is required to registered for VAT. Below threshold, business need to enlisted for turnover tax. Registration or enlistment processes are briefly described in this booklet.