e-Return Hotline Number

দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি

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ক্রমিক নং.
প্রকাশের তারিখ
33Tender notice for procurement of software, hardware, networking and support service07-05-2016
32Tender for Generator & All Civil works including electrical works and required infrastructures07-05-2016
31Tender for Cleaning Service of Project Office07-05-2016
30Hiring Transport Vehicle for VAT Online Project Office07-05-2016
29Cancellation of Tender07-05-2016
28Corrigendum IFT No. 08.01.0000.
27Corrigendum of IFT No. 08.01.0000., dated: 16.04.2014 07-05-2016
26Re-Tender for Supply of Liver-age07-05-2016
25Supply of IT Infrastructure and Managed Support Services in Support of the Integrated VAT Administra07-05-2016
24Amendment to Tender No: 08.01.0000.; Date: 20 March, 201407-05-2016
23Supply, Assembly and Installation of Office equipments and Furniture including Interior Decoration07-05-2016
22Tender notification for rental microbus07-05-2016
21Re-advertisement for staff outsourcing07-05-2016
20Re-tender for procurement of car07-05-2016
192nd Corrigendum of Procurement of an Integrated VAT Administration System (IVAS) Commercial-07-05-2016
18Tender notice for Procuring Traing on Project Management07-05-2016
17Clarification of tender notice for appointment of manpower by outsourcing method07-05-2016
16Appointment of manpower in VAT Online Project by outsourcing method07-05-2016
15Invitation of Tender for Installation-Testing and Commission of Fiber Optic Connectivity for Data-Tr07-05-2016
14Tender notice for purchasing sidan car & microbus07-05-2016